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Λάμπες LED
ανάπτυξης φυτών




The Best LED Grow Lights For Your Aquarium Plants

Choosing the right LED grow lights for your aquarium plants might seem time consuming and challenging as there are many different options available in the market.

Let’s find out if LEDs are powerful enough to grow plants and find out if they are better than the alternative aquarium grow lighting set ups.

1st generation LED grow lamps were much simpler with less color options to choose from; just red and blue were available, which wouldn’t be sufficient for most aquarium plants.

Newer LED technology incorporates a larger amount of light that will work much better for helping your aquarium plants grow successfully.

Contents [hide]

What To Consider?
Pros of LED Grow Lights
Cons of LED Grow Lights
Best LED Grow Lights For Aquarium Plants
1. Finnex Ray2 Aquarium LED Daylight
2. Finnex FugeRay Planted+ Aquarium Light Plus Moonlights
3. Marineland Aquatic Plant LED Light With Timer
Final Say on Using LEDs As Grow Lights
What Your Experience?

What To Consider?

First, you will need to know the different characteristics of the types of plants you are looking to grow. Look for size, shape and height of the plants you plan to have in your aquarium.

The Best LED Grow Lights For Your Aquarium Plants(image source)

You will also need to look for the light intensity requirements of each plant and know whether or not they are sensitive to heat. Thankfully, most available LED setups come with menus and data sheets to make it easy to calculate the necessary specifications of light illumination and watts per gallon needed.

Many people argue that LED lights don’t provide enough PAR for aquarium plants to thrive but this simply isn’t the case!

With the latest technology, you’re able to find LED grow lights for your aquarium plants that match and even exceed the PAR output of a metal halide system!

Still not convinced? Here are some more interesting facts in this handy pros and cons list below.
Pros of LED Grow Lights

Cool Temperatures: You will not require a noisy and bulky fan or cooling system.
High Output: High output drivers and quiet operating noise levels.
Easy Plug In: No need to mess with wires and glue.
Easy Maintenance: User friendly, easy to assemble, clean and maintain.
Energy Efficient: LED’s will consume less energy than other aquarium lighting options and because of this, you will save more money!
Growth Efficiency: You’re able to choose LEDs that target wavelengths that plants absorb. With accurate absorption, your plants will thrive.
Long Lifespan: You can run your LED lights for up to 50,000 hours before they will need to be replaced.

Cons of LED Grow Lights

Getting the Right Wavelength: Achieving the correct wavelengths in the correct amounts might be a challenge but this can be easily solved with controllers and drivers.
Lights Reaching the Bottom of the Tank: You might require 2 set ups to produce enough even light for a larger tank.
Heat Production: LEDs are not ideal for plants that are sensitive to heat but they are still cooler than the traditional metal halide system.
More Expensive: The up front costs for large aquariums LED grow light setups can be around $150 each.

Best LED Grow Lights For Aquarium Plants

In this day and age, you are able to find several suitable LED grow lights in the market. Hobbyists now have some very viable options to choose from.

Here are a few of our favorite lighting set ups that specialize in plant growth.
1. Finnex Ray2 Aquarium LED Daylight


Finnex is a well-known brand when it comes to LEDs, it’s no surprise that they’ve made LEDs to cater for the planted tank crowd.

They made a good one too. A really good one!

The Ray2 features two LED light strips with 7000K output each which makes it ideal even for the most demanding aquarium plants. The dual strips also helps to cover a broader surface area for your tank.

Finnex has done a great job with the design of this LED fixture. It’s small, sleek and the mount fits very well on standard sized aquariums.

One thing to note is that, these lights are bright! So bright that you might get an algae issue, so be sure to use CO2 and dose fertilizer to avoid this. So, this might not be suitable for those of you running a low tech tank.

For the price, longevity and quality, this is a great choice for an aquarist looking for the perfect aquarium grow lights for “Hi Tech” tank setups.
Best Deal: We’ve found the best deal for the Finnex Ray2 for below $100 plus FREE shipping. This awesome deal won’t last for long though, claim it here (while stocks last!)
See It In Action

2. Finnex FugeRay Planted+ Aquarium Light Plus Moonlights


While the Finnex Ray 2 is perfect for a “Hi Tech” tank, the Finnex FugeRay Planted+ is more catered to the low tech tank.

But that’s not to say that this won’t benefit your tank if you’re injecting CO2 and dosing your tank too. It’s just the best option for low tech tank owners.

This ultra modern slim and light aquarium LED set up has enough output to grow low to med light plants.

If you’re upgrading from a fluorescent setup, don’t be surprised by how drastic the change will be. Those who have taken the plunge has vowed to never go back.

The Finnex FugeRay Planted+ truly brings out the color of your tank and helps your plants flourish.
Best Deal: How would you like to buy the Finnex FugeRay Planted+ for up to 33% less than the list price plus FREE shipping. Get it delivered to your doorstep for free here: claim deal here
See It In Action

3. Marineland Aquatic Plant LED Light With Timer


This Marineland LED Light are among the most popular among planted tank owners. There are many different sizes to choose from (ranging from 18 to 60 inches) to suit tanks of different sizes.

This slim Marineland Aquatic Plant LED setup will give you a full spectrum of light (1 watt 6500k white and 3 watt RGB LEDs), which will help your aquatic plants grow.

It also has easy to use controls and an integrated timers with lunar and daytime settings. This setup does such a good job that you might even need to trim your plants back from time to time.
Best Deal: Amazon is currently offering this Marineland LED Light for 52% less than the list price plus FREE shipping. This awesome deal won’t last for long, check it out here (before it’s too late!)
See It In Action

Final Say on Using LEDs As Grow Lights

As you can see, LED lights should be considered as one of the best LED grow lights for your aquarium plants. They might have a few downsides like cost and heat production but the benefits far outweigh the downsides.

They are easy to maintain, provide great controllable light to stimulate plant growth, are cost effective, energy efficient and will outlast any bulb system.
What Your Experience?

So perhaps after reading all about LED grow lights, you have changed your mind about LED lighting.

Do you have experiences with LEDs for growing aquarium plants? We’d love to hear all about it in the comments section below.
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About Dennis Hanson

Dennis is an experienced aquarist with many years of knowledge and experience in keeping successful tanks. He also has no relations to the pop group Hanson.

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One comment on “What’s The Best LED Grow Lights For Your Aquarium Plants?”

Reply Roger Feb 7,2015 4:20 pm

Would the innex FugeRay Planted+ Aquarium Light Plus Moonlights work well for a planted 29 gallon tank where the light would be about 22 inches from the substrate or should I add more substrate?


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Read more: http://homeaquaria.com/best-led-grow-lights-aquarium-plants/#ixzz3UfSWnSwW



Τεστ / δοκιμές
Λάμπες LED ανάπτυξης φυτών

LED λάμπες ανάπτυξης φυτών

Δοκιμάσαμε τις λάμπες LED ανάπτυξης φυτών τον χειμώνα σε νεαρά φυτά τομάτας που θέλουν πολύ φωτισμό για την ανάπτυξη τους.
Είναι αξιοσημείωτο ότι δεν μπορέσαμε στα φυτώρια να βρούμε νεαρά φυτά λόγο του χειμώνα και έτσι χρειάσθηκε να τα φέρουμε απο την Κρήτη, περίπου τον Νοέμβριο. Αφήσαμε τα φυτά στον φυσικό φωτισμό του χειμώνα στην Αθήνα σε διαμέρισμα κοντά στο παράθυρο αλλα ο φωτισμός δεν τους επαρκούσε και άρχισαν να συρρικνώνονται και να μαραίνονται. Στην συνέχεια ενεργοποιήσαμε τις λάμπες ανάπτυξης φυτών με τα 5 διαφορετικά LED που είχαμε στην διάθεση μας εκείνη την στιγμή για τις δοκιμές. Για δυο - τρεις εβδομάδες βλέπαμε το αποτέλεσμα στάσιμο. Τα φυτά δεν υποχωρούσαν άλλο αλλα δεν είχαν αρχίσει ν αναπτύσσονται ακόμα. Μετά όμως απο αυτό το διάστημα άρχισε σιγά - σιγά η ανάπτυξη των νεαρών φυτών και μετά απο δυο μήνες οι νεαρές ντοματιές έχουν συνέλθει πλήρως και έχουν αρχίσει νέα υγιή ζωηρή βλάστηση.
Για τις δοκιμές της αποτελεσματικότητας της λάμπας LED ανάπτυξης φυτών δεν αφήσαμε τον ήλιο καθόλου να βλέπει τα φυτά. Τα τοποθετήσαμε σε εσωτερικό χώρο του γραφείου όπου δεν υπήρχε καθόλου φυσικός φωτισμός.
Τα φυτά σε λίγο διάστημα είχαν συνέλθει και είχαν ξεκινήσει ξανά την ανάπτυξη τους. Αυτό μας έκανε αισιόδοξους για να συνεχίσουμε τις δοκιμές και σε άλλες λάμπες ανάπτυξης φυτών χαμηλού κόστους για οικιακή χρήση.
Αξιοσημείωτο επίσης είναι ότι οι λάμπες LED για την ανάπτυξη φυτών με τα 5 χρώματα έχουν ένα εκπληκτικό φωτισμό για την διακόσμηση χώρων, δίνοντας πλούσιες αποχρώσεις στ αντικείμενα και τους τοίχους που φωτίζουν.


Λάμπες LED ανάπτυξης φυτών της Special Products, σε φράουλες
Στο παρακάτω τεστ εχουμε ανάπτυξη φραουλιάς με ταυτόχρονη ύπαρξη φύλων, ανθών και καρπών, σε αποθηκευτικό χώρο σπιτιού. Χρησιμοποιήσαμε μόνο μια λάμπα LED τύπου SP2pro
με μονο 5 led (3 κόκκινα, 2 μπλέ)

LED λάμπες ανάπτυξης φυτών

Εδώ είναι αξιοσημείωτο η απόσταση απο την οποία έρχεται τον φως της ειδικής λάμπας ανάπτυξης φυτών της Special Products, που ενω συνίσταται πάντα η μικρή απόσταση απο τα φυτά μας για να επιτύχουμε την καλύτερη φωτοσύνθεση, εν τούτης ακόμα και απο την απόσταση του ενός περίπου μέτρου η λάμπα SP2pro ενεργοποιεί σωστά το φυτό μας.
Η λάμπα αυτή μπορεί επίσης να δουλέψει πολύ καλά με ανακλαστήρες (π.χ. καθρέπτες που δεν θ αφήνουν το πλευρικό φως ν απορροφάται απο τον τοίχο και τα έπιπλα αλλα να το αντανακλά απο τα πλάγια στα φυτά μας.
Λόγο του ότι η λάμπα αυτή στέλνει την δέσμη φωτός συγκεντρωμένη σαν σπότ, μπορεί πολύ καλά να δουλέψει και για ντομάτες μεγάλες που θα είναι και το επόμενο πείραμα μας, με καθρέπτες στα πλάγια ώστε να λούσουμε το φυτό με το φως της λάμπας. αναμένετε την συνέχεια παρακάτω...




Τεστ / δοκιμές
Στις Νεες Λάμπες LED ανάπτυξης φυτών 2 χρωμάτων

Τεστ / δοκιμές: Λάμπες LED ανάπτυξης φυτών 2 χρωμάτων


Οι λάμπες ανάπτυξης φυτών της Special Products
είναι κατάληλες και για φυτα ενυδρείου.
Το τεστ της κάτωθι δοκιμής έγινε σε ενυδρείο απο τον πελάτη μας
απο τον πελάτη μας Lo Ge, με λάμπα δυο χρωμάτων LED sp1

λαμπες αναπτυξης φυτών για φυτα ενυδρείου

The Best LED Grow Lights For Your Aquarium Plants

Choosing the right LED grow lights for your aquarium plants might seem time consuming and challenging as there are many different options available in the market.

Let’s find out if LEDs are powerful enough to grow plants and find out if they are better than the alternative aquarium grow lighting set ups.

1st generation LED grow lamps were much simpler with less color options to choose from; just red and blue were available, which wouldn’t be sufficient for most aquarium plants.

Newer LED technology incorporates a larger amount of light that will work much better for helping your aquarium plants grow successfully.


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Αρχική σελίδα για τις
Λάμπες LED
ανάπτυξης φυτών

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